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5 résultats trouvés
- 05 sept. 2006, 16:40
- Sujet : Loft Sails 2007
- Réponses : 8
- Vues : 5186
Loft Sails 2007
<r><a href='<URL url=""></URL>' target='_blank'><URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... start=0</a ...
- 05 sept. 2006, 16:36
- Forum : Autres
- Sujet : New Sailboards Tarifa Freewave
- Réponses : 2
- Vues : 1509
New Sailboards Tarifa Freewave
<r>Since this weekend arrived in Belguim....<br />Custom boards shaped by Sergio Alonso Minuth, the shaper and manager of Sailboards Tarifa<br />238 / 55 / 82ltr<br /><br />New ST freestyle arrived end of the month...<br /><br /><br /><div class='bbimg'><img src='<URL url=" ...
- 04 juil. 2006, 18:38
- Sujet : Lip Wave 06, 5.0 et 5.7
- Réponses : 22
- Vues : 8122
Re :Lip Wave 06, 5.0 et 5.7
hi<br /><br />thanks for choosing for loft sails<br />This year i have the 4.3-5.0-5.7 from 2006, and they get better every year.<br />I'm using in all the sails RDM masts, but sdm is possible also.<br />The sails really have a lot of power!!! Soft handling and easy to trim!<br ...
- 04 juil. 2006, 18:25
- Forum : Windsurf
- Sujet : wish atan 2005
- Réponses : 5
- Vues : 359
Re :wish atan 2005
I'm using for this season the atan alu 135-195. Lovely boom. You can use them on SDM & RDM masts, without rdm adapter.
With his 29mm perfect handling.
You can put also a trip system on it!!!
I'm using for this season the atan alu 135-195. Lovely boom. You can use them on SDM & RDM masts, without rdm adapter.
With his 29mm perfect handling.
You can put also a trip system on it!!!
- 18 juin 2006, 21:18
- Forum : AB+
- Sujet : AB+ Freestyle 2006/2007
- Réponses : 2
- Vues : 6552
AB+ Freestyle 2006/2007
<r>AB+ Freestyle 2006/2007 model.<br />Anders Bringdal promised that there will be a bigger freestyleboard in begin 2007, then there will be a 85LT, 95LT & 110<br /><br />Pics of the FS 95 LTR (235 * 63)<br /><br /><br /><div class='bbimg'><img src='<URL url=" ...