j'ai recu mon 18.. un test du set complet (14+18) mardi prochain

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Hi Erwann,
I think that with a 14.0 or 15.5 centre fin will make quite a difference. Are the fins you have RTM or G10? If they are G10, if you want to increase speed as well you can chose a whole set of our new custom RTM fins with 13.5 sidefins and 14.0 centre fin.
The K4 profiles are not matching the angles because they are very asymmetrical giving more drag and would require a lot more added toe in. The stubby´s are too straight, they do not twist as much but still do flex sideways so would cause the tail to skip out of the turn.
R-two @ 01/03/2013 - 08h17 a dit:
Hi Erwann,
I think that with a 14.0 or 15.5 centre fin will make quite a difference. Are the fins you have RTM or G10? If they are G10, if you want to increase speed as well you can chose a whole set of our new custom RTM fins with 13.5 sidefins and 14.0 centre fin.
The K4 profiles are not matching the angles because they are very asymmetrical giving more drag and would require a lot more added toe in. The stubby´s are too straight, they do not twist as much but still do flex sideways so would cause the tail to skip out of the turn.
Great to hear from you. I think for sure it will be good for you to have smaller fins for windier conditions. We have a size guide here..
So for 4.7 and below you would be on 12 and 14.
You want to select sizes similar to those you would use in g10. The board is looser but will have more grip. Although as you say onshore conditions I would stay with reasonably large sizes.
I'd recommend you buy 12 and 14 Stubbies, these are our stiffer fins for jumping and onshore.
The Ezzy asymmetric fins work super well for riding in good conditions, but are perhaps not so good in a straight line. I think you'd need the 1 degree version for the Witchcraft as I'm sure that has angled front boxes.
Hope that helps, any more info needed let me know,
Best Regards
R-two @ 04/03/2013 - 17h34 a dit:
I'm sure that has angled front boxes.
KeziaCinema @ 19/05/2013 - 19h14 a dit:
Quelqu'un les auraient testé en single ?
Pour quand c'est plus B&J je me dis que ça peut être pas mal...
Surtout qu'il y a maintenant des singles witchcraft 20,5 21,5 22,5...
C.R.V.85 @ 20/05/2013 - 13h13 a dit:
Un test K4 chez U-ride .