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Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 17:37
par Bouke

Martin_A @ 30/08/2012 - 21h09 a dit:

Why dont you write clearly on your website : Witchraft does not cover impacts. ?

It would be much clear for your clients and much much honest.

It does say that it is normally not covered. We only say we do our best to prevent impact damage but that it is not possible to prevent all damages. Not one brand ever will give garantee on impact and in 20 years in business and 18 years of showing the hammer test to people in my work shop, I never ever had anyone expecting garantee on impact, not even asking. Do any of the other brands say that impact is covered or not? Because no one will even expect it to be garantee. In fact there is not one product you will get garantee on impact other than maybe a tennis ball or a bullet proof vest.

An impact is an accident, it can happen but not as a rule. I know many people doing high forward loops or push loops, etc with flat landings, making hard bottom turns and smacking lips in big waves (what a wave board is made for) and all the usual things that a boards need to do when sailing such as jybing, and the board lasts for many years. Where others break a board (or 2) in 6 months by jumping.

If these boards with cracks where it is not clear it is from impact (there is not a visible dent or scratch), get more than one crack like this, it is something to look into. It can happen on very rare occasion but if there are more cracks, we have to see if there is something wrong, they should not happen from just walking on the deck. So please if these customers can take pictures and mail them to me, I will look into it. In the case of Louis, it was a clear impact from the mast.

And my advice is NOT to use araldite. It does not seal well. Superglue is much better to use with Dyneema. On boards without Dyneema, you can use araldite to fill a bigger hole which goes to the EPS and then laminate over it with resin or superglue to make it 100% watertight.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 17:45
par Bouke
From the JP website:

• Regularly check your board for holes, coming from any damage.

• In case you find any damage make sure, these are sealed before further use.

• Use an original JP Nose Protector to protect the nose of your board from damages occurred by impacts.

• Do not use the product as a toy

Any repair or replacement of any product under this Limited Warranty is not available for ordinary wear and tear,

including scratches, punctures, dents, fading and paint chipping, or for any damage caused by misuse, abuse,

unauthorized modification or repairs, usage of components (fins, foot straps, etc) other than JP-Australia components,

accident, heat, excessive exposure to sunlight, improper handling, storage, maintenance or care; incorrect setup,

use in commercial, rental or teaching environments; any use of the product outside the recommended conditions

as listed on the JP-Australia website:; use off the water; any blow or impact with a hard object

or any other irresponsible use.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 18:09
par pipou

Voilà le résultat de ma session d'hier... Conditions vent 12/18n, side/side off 1m de vagues à sre barbe. Bref très sympa mais pas violent non plus, j'ai juste un peu baigné une ou deux fois en attendant la risée pour repartir.

Je n'ai jamais demandé de planche incassable, mais une question de me taraude pourquoi en 3 ans j'ai réduit 2 WC à l'état de quasi épave et que ma JP utilisée de manière strictement identique tient le choc... mystère!

p.s: suis nul pour poster les images...

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 19:23
par Renaud31

pipou @ 31/08/2012 - 18h09 a dit:

Voilà le résultat de ma session d'hier... Conditions vent 12/18n, side/side off 1m de vagues à sre barbe. Bref très sympa mais pas violent non plus, j'ai juste un peu baigné une ou deux fois en attendant la risée pour repartir.

Je n'ai jamais demandé de planche incassable, mais une question de me taraude pourquoi en 3 ans j'ai réduit 2 WC à l'état de quasi épave et que ma JP utilisée de manière strictement identique tient le choc... mystère!

p.s: suis nul pour poster les images...

La voilà ta photo:

Posted Image

Bienvenue au club  :(

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 19:24
par Renaud31

pipou @ 31/08/2012 - 18h09 a dit:

Je n'ai jamais demandé de planche incassable, mais une question de me taraude pourquoi en 3 ans j'ai réduit 2 WC à l'état de quasi épave et que ma JP utilisée de manière strictement identique tient le choc... mystère!

moi j'ai une tabou da curve 2008 : je la bigne dans tous les sens: aujourd'hui à carro festival de catapulte, et bisous aux cailloux = rien

Je dois être très chanceux

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 21:22
par Bouke
Everyone will have catapults at times. It just depends on if they hit right on the nose or not, if the mast hits the water or the board first and if the board is kept firm or if it can move with the impact.  We have a lot of customers without nose damage for many years. And nearly everyone will have had the mast hit the board many times, some have heavily gone on the rocks, some have had the board blown of the car at 100km/h.

Also we have rental boards here on Fuerte and at the OTC on Tenerife (all SDT construction) and they say our boards last longer as most brands and get more use. Since the V3.0 shape is 3 years old now, the boards in Tenerife are nearly 3 years old too.

And we are the main repair shop on Fuerte and we have repaired many split or broken noses from all brands and know what is inside all these boards and have it calculated by a composite engineer for impact strength, flexural strength, tensile strength and compressive strength. Differences are between 1.4 (deck around logo area) and 21 times (heel and toe area) as strong. Any one visiting the work shop on Fuerte I can show how and where and they can see for them selves.

We have had PWA riders bring new boards in to have them reinforced.

We have repaired boards broken in half, broken heels, soft decks, delaminated, mast boxes sunk in, etc.

And others have nothing. Maybe they have been lucky. Maybe it is not just luck. Who knows. Still impact can not be covered by garantee if there is no production mistake. If other than a single damage, the board is fine, it is not very likely there is a production mistake. If there is more, maybe.

And in the end all we are talking about is a repair of maybe 30 euros. Which is what it would cost with us at least because damage was limited. A soft deck, broken heel or creased bottom is 250 euros, if repairable at all.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 21:40
par pipou
If I had only WC boards, I would said: "ok it's perharp's it's my fault, I don't know how to fall with grace..." But I have one JP quad of 2 year's in almost perfect condition, one fanatic skate (I have use it several times in wave and I think the construction is fairly light!). So I think it's not my use, but I really think my V3 is not as strong as it should be (perhap's for my V2.3, it can be a little of bad luck).

Is this case the crack as been done in these conditions:

Light wind, little waves so no catapult, no jump... just small falls in white waters.

So the crack is nothing serious, but when you have a second one bigger on the other side + noze + next time? Your board has just lost their value and it doesn't cost 30 euros!

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 31 août 2012, 22:42
par Bouke
Hard to say if this is impact, but there is no visible imprint of an impact so it looks like something that should not happen so could be garantee. Is it soft? If you want we can look at it now but it can also wait till there is a better situation as long as the board does not take in water.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 01 sept. 2012, 11:42
par pipou
Ok Bouke, thanks for reply, I will send you all details by mail.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 02 sept. 2012, 18:44
par pipou
De mon côté il semblerait que mes problèmes soient en passe d'être solutionnés! Je vous tiens au jus de l'évolution mais ça semble tout bon!

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 03 sept. 2012, 16:41
par Yukulélé

Yukulélé @ 29/08/2012 - 22h42 a dit:

Hi Bouke !

you write:

"The weight of the boards from Sofia used to be higher too but since we had very little problems and more people asked lighter boards, we´ve been reducing weight"

what solution(s) did you find in Sofia to reduce weight ? less dynema , less epoxy ? sanded finish ?

And when this modification(s) in your manufacturing process started ?

Because in France I'm surprise to see that only new deliveries have some problems ? the old no ...

All people in this post who have crack problems, bougth the board less than on year .


Hi Bouke,

And what about my questions about maufacturing process ? please .



Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 03 sept. 2012, 22:01
par Bouke
Lots of different things. Mostly by finish, the use of carbon UD instead of normal carbon, we found a very high quality glass fibre with a tighter weave. the use of a light weight filler to fill the sandwich before laminating. Tighter insert holes. The Dyneema is still the same. These changes were done over a longer period, one after another.

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 04 sept. 2012, 08:13
par ptilou4000
et voila le type de fissures.....

Posted Image

Posted Image

aller on va me dire que c'est un choc, et qu'il faut mettre de la glue....

ces fissures j'en ai 4 au total sur mes 2 boards...

j'ai aussi eu une partie de fibre de verre qui c'est arrachée sous la caréne... mais comme c'était (je pense) due à un choc sur un rocher (par aspiration de la board via un petit shore break) .. je m'en suis occupé sans demandé l'avis au grand guru... et je n'ai pas eu le temps de prendre une photo...

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 04 sept. 2012, 08:30
par R-two
J'ai eu la même chose...


Sans aucun coup de ma part...

Et plusieurs petites fissures également autour du nez...

Re :SAV witchcraft...

Posté : 05 sept. 2012, 11:06
par ptilou4000

pipou @ 02/09/2012 - 18h44 a dit:

De mon côté il semblerait que mes problèmes soient en passe d'être solutionnés! Je vous tiens au jus de l'évolution mais ça semble tout bon!

ouaaaa.. t'en a de la chance...  en plus avec une petite fissure comme celle indiquée... sur une V2 ?? qui ne doit plus etre sous garantie??  :inn:

rq... faut bien montrer un bonne exemple dans le forum.. c'est sur.. perso ces fissures j'en ai 4 voir 5 sur mes boards...  R2 aussi en a eu... et pour le moment elles ne sont et elle n'a pas était pris en charge par WC...


idem... j'ai eu des Jp, des 7th... qui sont réputées fragiles... sur le choc... mais des fissures comme celle la.. jamais j'en ai eu...