Wishbone neilpryde fendu, encore un ...
Posté : 08 nov. 2010, 20:41
Il y a plusieurs semaines (ou mois) il y avait un post sur les wish NP x6 qui se fissurent apres quelques navigations. Apres 3 sorties, cela m'est arrive avec un x3 (145-195), que j'utilise principalement avec 4.2 et 4.7... Jusque la rien d'anormal, j'aurais du lire le post avant d'acheter le wish !!! Mais voila quand je l'ai signale au shop ou je l'ai achete (le seul a 800kms a la ronde)... voila la reponse (desole, en anglais):<br /><br />
"This was a common problem with the neilpryde booms. The plastic cracks right where yours did. It has always happened outside of the warranty time frame but the good thing is that it doesn’t spread any further. Their<br />
booms are a continuous aluminum piece around the head from one side to the other. So although it does look bad it won’t break. The action that makes them crack I believe is just from derigging the sail. The head swivels to a certain point then that plastic stops it but it cracks in the process. let me know if you have any questions about it but all that I have seen or heard about never end up breaking."<br /><br />
En bref, mon collegue me dit que c'est seulement le plastic qui craque. Le wish est un monobloc alu et le plastic une sorte de decoration/protection. La fissure ne devrait pas s'agrandir et je peux continuer a naviguer.<br />
Qu'en pensez vous?
"This was a common problem with the neilpryde booms. The plastic cracks right where yours did. It has always happened outside of the warranty time frame but the good thing is that it doesn’t spread any further. Their<br />
booms are a continuous aluminum piece around the head from one side to the other. So although it does look bad it won’t break. The action that makes them crack I believe is just from derigging the sail. The head swivels to a certain point then that plastic stops it but it cracks in the process. let me know if you have any questions about it but all that I have seen or heard about never end up breaking."<br /><br />
En bref, mon collegue me dit que c'est seulement le plastic qui craque. Le wish est un monobloc alu et le plastic une sorte de decoration/protection. La fissure ne devrait pas s'agrandir et je peux continuer a naviguer.<br />
Qu'en pensez vous?