<br>Il y a du nouveau sur le site,
<br>La sx 106 avec GPS intégré est dispo :
<br>"Our new F2 GPS board has the answer. On the big display with a size of 14x12 cm you can permanently see 3 of 5 different read outs. You can choose to be displayed next to your current speed, which is clearly visible "
<br>"The GPS module can be synchronised with a docking station to your PC and you can analyze all the data graphically or numerically right after your sailing day.The whole GPS system is available in a limited version of the SX 106, the new slalom board with AIR PIPES."
<br>La fameuse SX lunette de WC qui n'est pas en vente apparament...
<br>Ces petites innovations ne révolutionnent pas le windsurf mais y contribuent....